Finding the colour in my soul again

When I was younger, my Grandad used to call me his rainbow because I was always in the most colourful clothes, even though the majority of the time I was clashing. And then the older I got, I just felt weird wearing bright colours. When I think about it, it just sounds so silly!! How can you be weird for wearing bright colours over 30?!?! 

When I lost myself those many years ago, black clothes became my go to. I would joke that ‘I wore black so it matched my soul’. In reality, it was because I didn’t really know who I was anymore and so didn’t know what my style was. Neutral clothes were just an easy option where I didn’t have to think. Getting dressed was just something I didn’t have the energy for at the time. But part of getting my life back together again was getting dressed in the morning so it needed to be as simple as possible.

However, now that I’m no longer in that phase of my life, I thought maybe it was time to be a bit more confident with my wardrobe again. And it’s really surprising what feelings have come up. The most surprising… feeling free! I thought I would feel more insecure and self conscience. And I do feel those things but my love for wearing colour outweighs them all.

Feeling free to wear more colour feels like I’m back in control of who I am as a person. Feeling grateful once again to have the energy and to want to pick my outfit for the day.

Is it sometimes a miss-match… absolutely. Do I think I’m a fashionista… absolutely not!! But I’m having fun and that’s all that matters!

One response to “Finding the colour in my soul again”

  1. […] year, I made a journal post about how and why bringing colour back into my wardrobe was really important to me, but as someone who isn’t exactly a ‘fashionista’ […]


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