What owning an allotment plot has taught me

3 years ago I put my name down for an allotment plot, and 18 months ago I finally got the call! I had always wanted one and knew I would enjoy it. But I didn’t realise how much it would teach me about myself and who I am/ want to be as a person. 

To finish off National Allotment Week, I thought I’d share my top 5 lessons that having an allotment plot has taught me… 

1. Patience in the process

You don’t plant a seed and in a day have a fully grown crop. And it’s the same with growth in life. I used to be guilty of going to the gym and expecting to see results in a week! Who was I kidding, living in an unrealistic dream land. It has taught me that if you stay patient and keep putting in the work that’s needed, it will happen. 

2. Environment is key

Depending on what I’m planting depends on what environment will work best. Some things require a little bit more watering, more sunlight, more shade, more space etc. And us humans are the same/ different. Not all of us are going to thrive living in a city or working 9-5 and that’s ok. It also goes for your personal environment like who you surround yourself with and what you’re allowing yourself to ingest. 

3. Celebrating the small wins

If you’ve ever tried planting seeds, you’ll know that some are easier than others to germinate. So when that day comes that the variety you’ve been trying so many times to grow finally breaks through the top of the soil, it’s ok to do a little dance and give yourself a little clap. Because that moment is just as special as getting to pick your first courgette. 

4. Learning from the failures

I have had so many failures at the plot. Plants dying, equipment breaking, ploy tunnels getting ripped from its frame. They used to break my heart. But they have helped me so much that I can no longer get mad when it happens (disheartened yes, but no longer mad). Now I just make notes and ensure I don’t do it again next season.  

5. Without rain there’s no rainbow

As much as I’m not a fan of the rain, I know that without it, nothing would grow. It’s the same with my darker days. I’m now at a point where when I do have a bad day, I can say to myself that it will pass. I truly never thought I would get to this point where I would feel so in control of my mind. Now, my present and future feel extra special. I can’t do anything about the past, but I’m so proud of where I am and who I am becoming.

One response to “What owning an allotment plot has taught me”

  1. […] This year, I’ve really been taking a holistic approach to my life and what I mean by that is how everything is connected. Instead of seeing each season as just a ‘change in weather’, I’ve come to realise that it’s also a new chapter of our lives and how when we observe these things, we are able to thrive. Having an allotment has really helped with this and there’s an article you can read about that here. […]


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