Divine timing

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I have never believed so much in divine timing than I have in this moment.

Throughout the years, there have been struggles where at the time I couldn’t understand why. And then later it worked out for the better and it all became clear. But each time I would really struggle with seeing it in the moment.

However, I felt a really big shift in the last few months, where during a hard moments I just let it be. I trusted in the universe, in the work I had done on myself and was patient with the divine timing.

Do I have everything I dream of? Not yet but I know that as long as I keep putting in the work, it will come.

Do I still feel fear? Absolutely. I love fear. A very special person once told me that fear is what keeps you alive. To fear makes me know that I have something that I don’t want to lose and what a privilege position that is! But I now work with it, rather than letting it control me. 

Do I still have bad days? Of course! Life isn’t (and won’t ever be) perfect and as someone who is a control freak, this is a hard one. It took so much work to just let things be. Know that you cannot be in control of everything or everyone at every second of the day. And I don’t want to be!! When I stopped trying to do this I realised how draining it is.

I truly believe that without my struggles, I wouldn’t have the clarity I have today. To have gone through 20 years of feeling so lost, it’s truly magical to finally feel at peace.

There is a beautiful quote from Lucy Paul that inspired this journal entry and I wanted to share it with you all…

Then one day it happens.
One day you wake up and you’re in this place.
You’re in this place where everything feels right.
Your heart is calm. 
Your soul is lit.
Your thoughts are positive.
Your vision is clear.
You’re at peace with where you’ve been,
At peace with what you’ve been though,
At peace with where you’re headed. 

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