Gladiator glory

A few weeks ago, I had what truly felt like a test from the universe. It tested me to see how far I’ve come as a person. Has all the work and practice I’ve done worked in a real life situation? When the going gets hard am I just going to cave in and revert to old ways? Honestly, it was rough. I sat there for a moment and said why! Why is the universe doing this to me when I’m trying so hard. I’ve given up smoking, I’ve stopped drinking, I’ve started working out consistently, I’m doing my affirmations and meditations every day.When moments like this happen, we do think to ourselves ‘what’s the point?’.

But then I realised that without the tests, there is no growth. It’s one thing to say you’re going to be someone/ a certain way but until you’ve had to put it into action, where’s the proof you are who you say you are? I didn’t give them up/ start doing them just because that’s what I think you’re meant to do. I did it because I didn’t like the person I was and something needed to change. Isn’t the quote, ‘insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result’. Why should I expect the universe to care if I don’t even care?

As hard as these moments in time are, I know it is just test. I know that as long as I put everything I’ve practiced into place, keep doing the work and hold my head high, I will come out of this stronger then ever. Brene Brown once used the analogy of a gladiator to describe courage but I think it works in this way as well… If you want the glory of a gladiator, you’ve got to be willing to step into the arena. Just be aware that the arena is brutal. You’re going to get battered and bruised. It’s going to be hard and you’re going to get hurt. But the feeling you will get when you come out the other side will feel amazing.

Think of it like when you really don’t want to work out but know you should. You feel unmotivated but you know it will do you good. It’s hard pushing through but you get it done, then afterwards you feel so good. Like they say, you never regret a workout! And if you’re just starting your fitness journey, the more workouts you do, the stronger you get.

With each challenge from the universe, I can tell I’m becoming stronger. I know that as long as I continue to do the work when I’m out of the arena, the stronger I will feel when my time comes to step back in. 2 years ago, I would have crumbled at a situation like this and reverted to old ways. But I’m stronger and more resilient now. I have been battered and bruised and every time come back better than before.

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