How I’m celebrating the Autumn Equinox

This year, I’ve really been taking a holistic approach to my life and what I mean by that is how everything is connected. Instead of seeing each season as just a ‘change in weather’, I’ve come to realise that it’s also a new chapter of our lives and how when we observe these things, we are able to thrive. Having an allotment has really helped with this and there’s an article you can read about that here.

I love the summer! The warm weather, the sun on my face, having all the windows open constantly, being able to be barefoot for the majority of the time, I just love it. So moving into the colder months is something I find really difficult to accept. I usually don’t mind the first few weeks but by the time November comes around, I’m already done with the cold. There’s only so many hot chocolates I can drink to try and cheer myself up. So for this years Autumn Equinox I’m going to be doing a few things to help me understand the purpose, and what I can do to try and help me beat my SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

1. Acceptance is the first step towards peace

This is a super quick and simple one. Just accept that it’s happening and that nothing I do can change it. When you’re constantly trying to make something (that you have no control over) work, its take so much energy than just accepting that it is what it is. When you you do accept it, you can stand back, see the bigger picture and maybe actually see the beauty in it.

2. Observe and acknowledge the seasonal shift

As I mentioned in point 1, standing back and seeing the bigger picture has been really helpful. Having moved and our dog walk now being in farmers fields has really helped me to observe and acknowledge the shift in seasons and autumn is no different. The harvesting of crops, leaves turning brown and falling to the ground, the new sounds and the sounds that are no longer there, the change in temperature against my cheek, how much different the ground feels beneath my feet.

Getting to feel, see and hear these things held me realise what autumn was all about and what I needed to do to feel connected back to myself –
Harvesting crops = Take stock of everything that I have learnt that year
Leaves falling from the trees = Taken everything I can from what the year had to offer and what ever goodness is left is fed back into my roots. Like a tree… any remaining nutrients are fed back into the ground and it goes into hibernation. It’s still alive, it’s just dormant.
Changes in temperature = Slow down and save energy for colder months. The fire from summer starts has reached the end of the wick and it’s now time to clear out the pot and create candle/ story
More silence/ being aware = Listen inwards, connecting back to the earth and in turn myself

3. Take stock

Once I am in a peaceful state (which accepting and being in nature allows me to do), I’ll take stock of everything I have learnt from the past 9 months including –

  • Personal
  • Knowledge and skills
  • Career
  • Life

I do this with my monthly journal inputs and the reason I like to be in a peaceful state is that it allows me to see the positives. If I’m not, it’s so easy to only think of the negative. While it’s good to acknowledge areas that need improvement, shift it from being what you didn’t achieve or what you did wrong, to gratitude for what you have and all that you have achieved. Equinox translates to equal night so ensure any learning opportunities are balanced out with what you succeeded or excelled out.

4. What are you taking forward?

This is a chance to get creative internally. The slate has been wiped clean and from everything you have taken stock of, what will you be taking with you to the next chapter and what will you be letting go of to make room for what’s to come?

This is the time for clearing the ground. Clearing the foundations to build back up again in the next chapter/ season. Use the space and everything you have learnt to make plans of what the next chapter will be.

What I’ll be doing come 23rd September

Burning Ceremony (you do not need a fancy fire pit for this but make sure it’s safe)
– Burn white sage; I like to do this beforehand so I go in without negativity and without judgement
– Write down everything I want to let go of and what is no longer serving me
– As I burn the paper, say to myself ‘You no longer serve me and I release you to allow space for new journeys and the new chapter in my life’

What I’ll be doing through autumn

Clear out – Big clear out of my wardrobe, house and car. Get rid of rubbish, donate what is still good and ensure everything has a place

Scheduling me time – The calendar for October is crazy so I want to go through and put in dates that are for me. It doesn’t need to be for anything in particular, it may be that I just decide on the day. It just needs to be a day that I’m not available and do what I want to do

Prioritising my health – This is a big one. I always get ill around this time of year and it’s down to complacently. Not eating good foods, not moving as much as I should be and the dark days really affect me. But not this year. This year I will be taking my supplements, eating nutritious foods, keeping fit and focusing on my mental health.

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