Do Christmas your way

Christmas can be a really overwhelming time. Busy schedules, trying to keep an eye on the bank balance, figuring out logistics of Christmas Day. This year is the first year I’ve really gotten into the festive spirit and I really believe its because for the last couple of years, I’ve not allowed the ‘hype’ to dictate how my holiday season goes.

Instagram should be for inspiration, not goals

We’ve all seen the matching pyjamas and Christmas Eve boxes but please don’t think you have to do something like that to make Christmas special. If social media is making you hate Christmas, just delete it for the month. Need ideas, use Pinterest.

Don’t spend your Christmas morning with wrestling screaming kids in tears just to get them in to a pair of pyjamas for one photo that you’re only doing for the ‘gram’. One of my favourite memories as a kid is jumping on my parents bed in the morning, going through my stocking. I didn’t care that my hair still hadn’t been brushed, that my stocking was a pillowcase and that one of our fillers was an orange… I looked forward to that orange every year!!

It’s not worth breaking the bank

I understand that there is a lot of pressure to buy amazing gifts for everyone but I wouldn’t bother. If you can’t afford it, it’s not worth the stress of trying to clear the credit cards and overdrafts for the next six months. We all know that the cost of living (the fact we call it this breaks my heart) is just ridiculous and so people will understand if you say ‘I can’t afford it this year’. And if they don’t, that isn’t your problem.

Kids won’t remember in years to come that they didn’t get the most amazing kids. Or they may remember but they won’t really care. As an adult, I now understand why we didn’t get lots of fancy gifts. It didn’t take away from having a special day.

It’s ok to say no

For the last five years, I have spent Christmas alone until around 4pm and I won’t lie, I love it. It’s very extreme and I know that’s not for everyone. But I do know that for some, the idea of rushing around from one relative to another, or getting the house and lunch ready for 15 people is really stressful.

So remember, this is your Christmas Day as well. If you want to spend it alone, that’s ok. If you want to spend it with just the kids, that’s ok too. Maybe compromise and say you will see people on Christmas Eve or Boxing Day but it’s ok to say no to family members. Just because they are family, it doesn’t mean they get to dictate your day.

Christmas should be a time of creating beautiful memories not getting so stressed that you miss out on the fun and enjoyment of it. So do it your way, set boundaries and most of all… just enjoy yourself.

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