End of an era

This year has been such a mixed bag but it feels like a pivotal year.

This was the year I decided it was time to stop fucking around which you would think is a really positive move. However, making a decision like this meant I had to take a real hard, honest look at the life I was living and make some tough choices that included some difficult conversations.

I made some serious life changes like quitting smoking, giving up alcohol and committing back to the gym which are all amazing things and I’m so proud of myself for the commitment and discipline I’ve shown.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always go to plan. Even with the healthy lifestyle changes, I’ve really struggled with my health and that has taken a toll. To wake up every day in pain and more tired than when you went to sleep I’m sure will take its toll on anyone.

While physically it’s been a struggle, mentally it’s been my best year yet. And I will take the physical pain over the mental pain I used to endure any day of the week. Before, I would have crumbled and given up. But not this year. This year I fought back and it’s put me in the best position for 2024. The headspace I’m in, and the discipline I’ve shown myself has shown me that anything is possible.

So if 2023 wasn’t a great year for you, just remember that you made it through. You saw value in sticking around and you didn’t give up. And if all you did was make it through, that’s one of the biggest accomplishments of them all.

‘ And from the darkness, she will rise again’

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