Why I’m not setting goals for this year…

Just yet anyway!

Every January, I love to embrace the new year for setting new goals and giving myself something to work towards. It may sound crazy but the thought of everyone’s collective energy of setting goals to achieve their dreams is really powerful. For the last few years, I have set some really big goals and accomplished more than I could ever have imagined.

And 31st December 2023 was no different. I sat down and wrote out all of the goals for 2024. But it all felt a bit forced and unauthentic. Even after writing everything out, something just wasn’t sitting right. I woke up on January 1st 2024 and had this huge urge to just forget all of my goals. So for now, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Just to clarify, goals are amazing. They are what got me to this moment in time. But sometimes I feel like goals make me lose sight of what I have already accomplished 👀 Never did I think I would own my own home and here we are. Sitting in my own office as I write this out! That’s crazy to me!! But it no longer feels ‘present gratitude’. What I mean by that is that I wake up every day, honour what I’m grateful for and then I move on to the next goal. I feel like I’ve lost finding joy in the smallest of pleasures.

So for the moment, I’m forgetting what the next goal is. I’m just being present in the moment, enjoying what I have already achieved. And since deciding not to set any goals, I feel a real sense of calm. I may decide in a week that I need something to work towards but for now, it can wait.

My biggest goal from last year (and probably my life) was that after 17 years, I gave up smoking. And I decided to do that in August… 8 months into 2023.

For anyone else having a little panic moment, please remember that January is not the stop and start moment of goals 🤍

One response to “Why I’m not setting goals for this year…”

  1. […] But this year, I decided not to, something just didn’t sit right. You can read my article about it here but in short, I really wanted to be more present in what I’ve already […]


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