Day 15

Do you believe in signs?

I do.

And I’ve been given so many recently that they are hard to ignore.

I’ve been thinking a lot recently how disciplined I’ve become in the last year and how much I’ve accomplished because of it.

I went to visit my Dad at Christmas and I like to borrow a book or two every time. His house is like a library and as a therapist, a lot of them are about growth/ self help. One of them was ‘A Road Less Travelled’ by M. Scott Peck and on Friday, I finished my book and decided this was next.

I then called him on Saturday and we were having a discussion and he quoted from it. Today I opened the book to start reading and what is the first chapter… all about discipline.

Maybe it’s because my sobriety is coming to an end, or I’m about to start my career break. I don’t know. All I know is that through discipline, I’ve gained a whole new understanding of what’s really possible.

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