Day 25

As I was finishing my shopping and got back to the car today, I remembered one more thing. I got annoyed with myself because I’ve been forgetting so much recently because I’ve been a little unorganised. 

But I dropped the bits at the car and headed back over. I then got even more annoyed with myself because what I wanted wasn’t in stock.

So once again, I headed back to the car. I turned on the engine and my maps notification popped up so say there was heavy traffic round the junction I would come off at. But it was going to take 20 minutes until I got there so I headed back thinking ‘it will clear by the time I get there’. 

Just before I passed the last junction before my turn off, it all started to slow down. So I thought, hey, let’s turn off here and take the back route home. 

I later found out that the road was shut for 2 hours. 

If I hadn’t of gone back, the traffic probably wouldn’t have slowed down until I’d gone past the junction, and I would have had no choice but to just sit there and wait.

Sometimes the divine timing isn’t about the big things in your life. Sometimes, it’s there to remind you of your faith in it and to let you know it’s still there. Sometimes it’s letting you know that it has your back, just be patient. Sometimes it’s a reminder that the small things are just as important as the big things. 

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