Day 28

Ever since I was young, I’ve always been drawn to roses. But the older I’ve got, the more it feels like a connection. 

From a direct connection, my name literally translates to ‘little rose’. I also fondly remember admiring the ones in my nans garden, watching her tend to them with so much care.

And now, having tended to my own, I realise how much we have in common with them. 

Up until now, I’ve mainly planted food based crops. And while they of course have a similar connection to how we grow as humans, at the end of the season, that’s it. They get eaten or composted. 

But recently, I’ve been growing more and more flowers, and the winter just passed has been my first format period for my roses. They have taught me a lot.

They have showed me that even when they are dormant, they are still there. Resting, saving their energy. And pruning them down felt therapeutic as if I was cutting away what no longer serves. 

Now as spring has sprung, their season is about to start. Only now are they starting their season. And only when they are ready, will they bloom.

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