Day 31

My connection to nature is growing strong.

Before I even know that a new cycle or phase is going to take place, I already have plans that align to it.

My mum bought me a diary for this year that shows me all of the moon cycles. It shows me the new moons, what they are and what they represent. And the current moon is the pink moon which calls us to nature.

As a child, I always felt connected to nature. I was always barefoot or (sometimes and) climbing trees. But the more I fell into depression, the more that connection got lost.

But I feel it coming back to me. I’ve never felt more at home than when I am in nature. I feel so at peace and my soul thanks me with gratitude.

As I write this, I’m currently sat in a motor home on day two of our road trip around Scotland. A trip I have wanted to do for years and that we’ve been planning for six months.

Way before I knew the pink moon would be taking place.

Lots of similar occurrences have been happening like this. And I feel like it’s the Universe telling me I’m on the right path or that Mother Nature is guiding me home.

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