Day 32

To release control is to feel free. 

As a control freak, the amount of energy I have used up worrying about every little detail has been exhausting. Plus the panic and stress I would put on my body when it didn’t go to plan that has actually made me physically unwell on numerous occasions. 

But before this trip, I wanted to make sure this wouldn’t be the case. I knew if I wanted to really embrace this trip and make it what I wanted it to be, I would need to release that control. And I’m glad I did. Because 2 days in and nothing has gone to plan.

We missed the permit we needed to park at Loch Lomond, the van was too big to get up the road to Ben Lawers and we haven’t managed any big walks yet because it hasn’t stopped raining all day and the wind is wild!!

Instead of fighting it, I’ve leaned in to the chaos and embraced the change. Looked up from the map and just enjoyed the view. Used my energy for the one walk we could get in when the rain eased off.

Letting go has completely changed my experience and only for the better. 

But most importantly, our detour meant we had time to stop in at the pub and get in my first whiskey of the trip.

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