Day 55

A good book on the sofa while the house is silent and all I can hear is the rain through the open window. The silence is so peaceful. My body instantly softens. 

It’s a rarity I question my decision to be child free. I think about it often as things change and I think it’s important that we come back to things as we grow. But it’s a rarity I think ‘am I making the right choice?’.

It’s moments like today that solidify my choice.

When I tell people I’m child free by choice, it’s not always received in the most positive of way. I’ve been met with a few responses such as ‘you might change your mind’ or ‘it’s different once you have them’. I know people don’t mean harm. I don’t 

Both of those are statements are correct. I might and I’m sure it is. I think people think I haven’t actually thought about it fully and have just come to a surface level decision. 

However, what most people don’t know is that I actually changed my mind once already. I did used to want children. And after (very) careful thinking, I now know they aren’t the choice for me. 

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