Day 58

Time is a funny one.

There are so minutes that feel like hours, and days that feel like seconds.

It’s about how we see it working for or against us.

When it’s been the ‘longes day’ because it’s been a struggle or you’re counting down the days until your holiday and those last few days feel so long. But the moment you need to get those last minute bits, time suddenly goes by in an instant.

So the next time the day feels really long, embrace it.

Call someone you’ve been meaning to call.
Open that book you’ve been meaning to finish.
Go for that walk you keep telling yourself you should really go on.

And if you’re having a rough week, remember it’s just a week out of a lifetime. If you lived to 75, the ratio would be 1:3910 (7 days: 27,375 days).

Time is what you make it. And at 32, I’m finally starting to see it.

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