Day 59

As someone who is child free by choice, I think people assume that I don’t like children. 

I love kids. They will teach you more about life than most books, courses, professionals, schools (the list goes on) can ever teach you. 

I spent 6 hours with a 4 year old today and learnt the following –

  1. I definitely don’t want kids. Sounds brutal but I enjoyed today so much because I was fully in because I knew I could go home, sit on the sofa, with a glass of red… in peace and quiet. 
  2. How much enjoyment you can find from simplicity and repetition. I must have sent 50 toy metal cars down an inclined track over 10 times today and every time was just as exciting as the first. Seeing how much joy it bought him made me realise how much we overthink what we need for joy.
  3. If you want 2 bags of quavers, have 2 bags of quavers. 
  4. A messy cake decoration makes me smile much more than a perfect store bought cake. As someone who craves order, I had to really chill the ‘f’ out of doing things a certain way. 
  5. Please and thank you’s go such a long way. I heard more manners today than I have from most adults who should know better. 
  6. We need to tell our friends how proud we are of them. As someone who has  experienced a lot death, I always tell those closest to me that I love them. It sounds cringe to some but I don’t care. But I realised I rarely tell people how proud I am of them. I think I think it sounds like I’m being patronising. I don’t know why but I don’t think that anymore. Life is bloody hard as adults and I think we should be telling each other his proud we are. Sometimes just for making it through a hard week of adulting. 

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