Day 63

It’s time to get excited about the small things.

I’ve felt really stagnant mentally recently and it’s really frustrating. I’m missing something creatively and I can’t quite work out what it is. But it’s meant that I feel like I’ve come to a standstill with my goals.

So I decided to remember how far I’ve already come. Not just for my goals, but still things in general.

In February, I decided to do one boxing PT session a week. I didn’t want to box, I just wanted something new that challenged my mind and where someone else told me what to do for an hour.

That first session, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I couldn’t even skip consistently for 15 seconds. But I had so much fun.

Three months later, I was skipping consistently for 90 seconds for two rounds and I was buzzing.

It made me think of all the small wins we get every day but miss because we’re ‘too busy’ focusing on the big picture. Our blinkers pulled so tight, we’re missing out on lots and lots of mini dopamine and serotonin hits all day every day.

When was the last time you got excited by ticking something off your to-do list, or that you didn’t hit your snooze button (you deserve an award if you do that), or that your keys were in the first place you looked and it saved you having to rush to catch that train.

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