Day 66

When you rest your head on your pillow tonight, would you be content with knowing you made the day count?

I saw a clip of Kat Williams recently and it really changed my perspective on things. He said –

‘Have a conversation with yourself every night that that was it, it may not be no more after that and really count yourself every day like this could have been it’.

It’s really easy to see videos and hear people speak like this and think of the ‘hustle’ and the ‘grind’. But sometimes it’s deeper than that.

Sometimes it’s about just making it through the day, staying sober, staying humble, not letting bad habits creep their way back in.

Because those things count.

At the moment, I’m aiming towards goals. But I wouldn’t be here to aim towards those with the days of just making it through. Making it through days of deep darkness counted (and still do) for me.

It’s the same for everything. Did you lead with kindness and with love? Did you leave judgement to one side while someone confided in you? Did you smile at the person walking down the street struggling in silence?

Did you tell the people you love that you love them? Did you put aside stubbornness and say sorry when it was required? Were you truly present when your partner was communicating with you.

Those are the things that count to me. It doesn’t need to be the same for you or for anyone else for that matter but I hope it opens the possibility and perspective for you.

If you want to watch the Kat Williams clip, you can view it here.

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