Day 69

Sometimes, you have to choose you. To set your boundaries and honour them. 

It’s not selfish, it’s required. Required for your own peace and stability. Because without stability, you crumble… and who’s coming to save you?

I set boundaries a long time ago and only good things have come from standing by them. Yes in the short term comes a little suffering but long term, you are rewarded. However, I feel like they’re being tested recently and I’ve really struggled with it.

People ask me all the time why I believe in tarot cards. And it’s not about believing. It’s about finding guidance. They don’t tell me my future, they open up a conversation with myself, with most of the time helping me see clearer and sense of my thoughts. They provide guidance. 

And today, a little guidance was needed. 

It told me everything I needed to know. It made me ask myself hard questions that I haven’t taken the moment to ask. It made me be honest with what I was feeling and thinking, rather than making decisions through guilt. 

As hard as it is, I know I have to protect my peace at all costs. To sacrifice shirt term guilt for long term peace. Because if I don’t, the price to pay cannot be afforded. 

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