Day 71

The last 24 hours have been a reminder to myself to just go with the flow a bit more. 

To rip up the agenda and schedule and just embrace what my soul is asking for. To just do things because why the f not. 

I decided last minute to make a three hour drive at 9pm to go and surprise my mum at the 60km checkpoint of her walk and then again at the 82km point. I’m so glad I did because these are memories that will stay with me forever. 

But I’m also glad I did because it provided me with a little solo time and a lot of waiting around with time to kill. So I decided to go on a little adventure myself. With it being so spontaneous, I didn’t have a plan so everything needed to be decided there and then. 

So I popped 40 minutes out of my way to the most southerly point and watched the sunrise over the sea and it was so magical. 

I spent hours in the boot of my car reading my book, writing away, walking round the field bare foot just because I could. 

I was so happy! 

I’ve noticed that the older I’ve got and the more responsibilities I get, the more stuffy I’ve become. Not doing things because ‘they cost money and I’ve got bills to pay’, or not doing things that bring me joy because the house needs cleaning and clothes need washing. 

As much as I love the person I am now, sometimes I miss certain parts of the old me. The part that was a little bit wilder, who just went with the flow. 

Who stayed up all night to watch the sun rise, and took random trips to the beach when I first got my car just because I could. 

Maybe it’s time to embrace my wild woman a little bit more. 

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