Day 77

To no longer worry about the small things means you are focused on the big. 

For such a long time, I was hyper focused on the smallest of things and if they weren’t correct, it would destroy my mind. I was so fixated on making everything around me just right, that I lost sight of the bigger picture. 

I could only have the volume on certain numbers. Toilet roll, toilet roll had to come over the top towards me (not hanging down the back). I couldn’t sleep until I’d checked (and double checked) all the empty plug sockets were turned off. 

Then this morning I’d realised how far I’d come. 

I was out walking Robbie, sun shining bright and I was wearing shorts. And you might be thinking… your point? 

Last year, I would have been so worried that there was a possibility someone would have seen my bare legs, I would rather have worn leggings and been hot and sweaty. 

Now, I have so many other important things that occupy my brain that I don’t have time to be worried about things like that. 

And it made me think of all the other things that I don’t do or don’t worry about anymore because I’m in the mindset of there’s more important things to prioritise thinking about. 

The craziest thing… I didn’t even realise I don’t do them anymore. 

Life’s good. 

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