Day 79

Listen closely enough and you will find the answer you’re looking for. 

When we go for a walk in nature, you’re best to leave the headphones at home.
For she will tell you more than you can learn from a podcast or audiobook. 
At first you hear the silence. 
You’re so used to the hustle and bustle of daily life that when you remove yourself from it, it sounds like nothing.
But listen a little harder. 
Listen to her whisper to you.
The whistling of the wind.
The birds chorus high in the tree tops. 
The creaking of the branches as they dance with one another.
The crunching of the leaves in winter.
And the stroking of them against each other in summer. 
You don’t need a calendar to tell you what season it is. 
The noises of nature will tell you everything you need to know. 

And when you listen closely enough, those noises will let you in to a little secret you won’t even admit to yourself.

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