Day 94

My inability to make a decision has been an issue for many years, if not my whole life.

It comes from a place of perfectionism (if that’s even a word). Needing to ensure I made the right choice, at the right time.

What if the wrong one has repercussions?
What would those repercussions mean?
How would they affect someone else?

Because god forbid I make a wrong one and never have the opportunity to right my wrong.

I’ve come to realise that if I continue to think in this way, I will waste so much time doing nothing at all.

We cannot ever know what the future holds. There are so many variables that as much as you can plan for, will never be 100% certain. We can only make a decision based on what we know with what’s in front of us, in that present moment.

And if it’s wrong, you can try and fix it. And if you can’t fix it, at least you won’t be thinking what if.

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