Day 100

I spent today reflecting over the last 100 days the only way I knew best… at the beach.

Yesterday wasn’t a great day. It was one of those days where every thing felt like a struggle, and everything felt like an argument with myself. I was in such a state that when I thought about what I could do for day 100, I just thought ‘do I even bother’.

Then, at 9pm last night, I told myself yes. The last 100 days have been such a positive journey, I really feel like they should be celebrated. And I wasn’t going to let one bad day ruin the moment.

So before I went to sleep, I chose my location and said ‘tomorrow is going to be the best day’.

And it was the best day.

I spent it at the place where I’m most happiest. The beach. Did I spend more time travelling than I did actually at the beach? Yes. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

For the majority, I just sat there, on the sand, picking at my mini sausage rolls, watching the world go by. Watching grandparents picks shells with their grandchildren, dogs bounding through the shallow waves, couples enjoying a romantic walk.

I also spent it reflecting. It started with reflecting over the last 100 days. And then over the last 10 years. It’s been a journey.

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