Day 101

For the past few days, I have woken up without my phone. The difference in how my days have gone since then is mind blowing to me.

There has been a big change for me in the last few weeks and I felt myself starting to drift. Drift out of reality, away from the present moment and just drift through the day. I felt so disengaged from everything and endlessly scrolling first thing in the morning was not helping.

So it goes away at night and instead of it sitting next to my bed while I sleep, I’ve replaced it with a hand written morning routine. I don’t grab it until that list has been completed. Really simple steps like affirmations, skincare and intentions for the day.

But my god has it made such a difference.

I feel like I’ve had a kick up the butt and I’ve accomplished more in the last few days that I have in a while.

And then today, I kicked myself so hard I stepped outside my comfort zone and did something I never thought I’d have the courage to do.

I sent an article proposal… to an actual publication.

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