
Vintage Shopping in Amsterdam

From flea markets to high end second hand boutiques, Amsterdam has something for everyone.

Running for my future

There’s a really big correlation between people who have experienced trauma and getting into endurance sport and I think a…

Second Hand September

to finish off SecondhandSeptember, I thought a great way to celebrate the month would be to show you my top…

Gladiator glory

It’s one thing to say you’re going to be someone/ a certain way but until you’ve had to put it…

Divine timing

I have never believed so much in divine timing than I have in this moment…

Before the storm hits

Let’s be real, life can be hard. We all go through hardship and traumas; some just cut deeper than others.…

Love is in the air

Valentines can be a tricky day. Hyped up with ideas and photos every where you look, the expectation to make…